Transitioning your tot to a "big kid" cup can be tricky. Luckily, sliding a Mason Bottle silicone sleeve onto a mason jar could be the answer to a simple and safe toddler's cup.
Kid’s and cups. If you have a toddler who has left the baby bottle days behind, you know that kids and cups are a thing. A possible battleground. A dishwashing nightmare. Do they want the purple cup? The blue? The one with dinosaurs? The purple one with the blue lid with the dinosaur sticker? Or, more urgently, the one that their brother is currently drinking from?? What is it with kids and cups?
And, where are those straws and sippy lids? Mutilated in the disposal? Melted on bottom of the dishwasher? Being used as a whistle? On Monday, I had five. On Wednesday, I am frantically washing the one that remains with every drink change.
So, in my quest to simplify, our family made a change. We stopped using the go to baby cups during meals and snacks in the house, and we introduced 4 and 8 oz Mason Bottles with silicone sleeves as training cups instead. When we travel, we simply screw the entire lid back on the bottle, and tuck it in the pocket of the backpack.
What a revolution is has been! Kids and cups are still a thing, but now they are a good thing! My two year old loves the sophistication of using glass. I love reaching into my cabinet and seeing 12 options that are clean and ready to go. Washing glass is just so much easier, and completely forgoing lids and straws means tiny parts can't go missing. I trust the durability of Mason Bottles (ultimately designed for canning), but the silicone sleeves give an added protection and softness that makes the transition even easier.
At only 16 months, this is a bit trickier with my second, but we often make a go of it anyway. He uses a 4 oz Mason Bottle and silicone sleeve and I make sure to only fill it a bit. He gets practice and sometimes a bit of water play, and we revert back to straws if I’m worried about the ratio of drinking water vs. play. So far, so good.
Please make a spout top for smoothies :)
I, too, would love sippy cup lids!! Loving the bottles and would love to continue using everything for my toddler!
I really need you to make Mason jar sippy-cup-drinking-spout lids for our toddlers. Our little ones no longer need the nipple lids, and we can’t use the open jars (even with the silicone sleeve) when we’re in the car—-too much drink-spilling occurs over here in the real world. So, we buy sippy cups from other companies, when we’d much rather be buying them from your company. Thank you for providing a way for us to give you our suggestions.
Hello, have you considered doing a sippy cup nipple to help transition from baby bottles to toddler cups?
Hello, wondering if Masonbottle plans on designing a sip cup nipple for toddlers. Thanks for the great design.